When you start living in a PG/hostel while studying in college, you get a unique and enriching experience which offers students the opportunity to be independent, make new friends and develop life skills that are not just limited to academics. But balancing studies along with maintaining your social life can be challenging. To get ahead in such an environment, it is important to inculcate effective study habits. For many students, shifting to living alone and away from home can be a difficult transformation. Which makes it a little challenging to maintain the discipline required for academic success. Distractions are plentiful, whether it's the noise from a lively common room or the lure of spontaneous social outings. Additionally, the lack of a personalized, quiet space can make it hard to concentrate and stay organized.

To overcome these challenges, students need to develop robust study strategies that cater to the unique environment of a PG or hostel. This involves creating a structured schedule that allows for both coursework and downtime, ensuring a well-rounded daily routine. It's important to set clear goals and regular study times, ideally syncing with one's natural productivity peaks throughout the day. Creating an effective study space is also crucial. Even in a shared room, it's possible to carve out a personal study nook equipped with the necessary supplies and minimal distractions. Students should also explore other quiet areas within the PG or hostel, such as study lounges or libraries, if available.

10 Study Tips for Students Living in PG/Hostel

When you choose to live in a PG or hostel you get the chance to meet new people and experience independent living. But it also comes with its set of challenges, especially when it comes to finding a suitable study routine. Given below are 10 study tips for students living in a PG/Hostel which are tailored to help you study better in a shared living environment.

Establish a Routine

Set a consistent daily schedule that includes time blocks for studying, relaxation, meals, and sleep. A routine helps manage time effectively and reduces the stress of last-minute cramming.

Create a Dedicated Study Space

Even if space is limited, designate a specific area for studying. Keep this area organized and free from non-academic clutter to promote mental clarity.

Use Noise-Canceling Headphones

To minimize distractions from surrounding noise, invest in a good pair of noise-canceling headphones. They can be invaluable for maintaining focus during study sessions.

Utilize Common Areas Wisely

If your room is too cramped or distracting, consider using common areas like study lounges or libraries, if available, for more intense study sessions.

Set Ground Rules with Roommates

Communicate with your roommates about your study needs. Agree on quiet hours or signals that indicate you need to focus without interruptions.

Stay Organized

Keep your study materials and notes well-organized. This reduces the time spent searching for materials and increases your study efficiency.

Follow a 50/10 Rule

For every 50 minutes of study, take a 10-minute break. This keeps your mind fresh and more capable of retaining information.

Join Study Groups

Collaborate with peers for challenging subjects. Study groups can provide motivation, reduce feelings of isolation, and help clarify doubts.

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Regular mindfulness or meditation practices can improve concentration, reduce stress, and enhance overall mental health.

Stay Physically Active

Regular physical activity, even short walks, can boost brain function, improve mood, and increase learning capabilities.

How Myroomie PGs Provide the Perfect Study Environment

Myroomie PG accommodations stand out by offering environments specifically tailored to support student needs. Here are five ways Myroomie PGs create an ideal setting for studying:

  • Enhanced Mental Clarity: Disconnecting from digital devices helps clear mental clutter, allowing for improved focus and better decision-making capabilities.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Constant notifications and the pressure to be always available can lead to heightened stress. A digital detox helps alleviate these pressures, reducing overall anxiety.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: Excessive use of devices, especially before bedtime, can disrupt sleep patterns due to blue light exposure. A detox from digital screens can lead to better sleep hygiene, promoting restorative sleep.
  • Increased Productivity: Without the constant interruptions from emails, social media, and other digital distractions, productivity levels can increase as you focus more intently on tasks without frequent breaks.
  • Enhanced Relationships: Spending less time on devices opens up more opportunities for face-to-face interactions, helping strengthen personal connections and build more meaningful relationships.
  • Better Physical Health: Reducing screen time can lead to less sedentary behavior, encouraging more physical activity. Additionally, posture and physical discomfort associated with prolonged device use can also improve.
  • Personal Growth: Time away from digital distractions offers more opportunities for personal reflection and development. Without the influence of online content and social comparisons, individuals can develop a stronger sense of self and personal values.


Living in PG or hostel facilities while studying does not have to compromise your academic performance. On the contrary, this can enhance your learning experience. When you set a solid routine, create a conducive study environment and make the best use of the resources provided at PGs like Myroomie, you are able to create an effective and enjoyable academic life.

You should learn to embrace unique challenges and opportunities that come along with the place you live in. With the right strategies and support in place, you can not only succeed academically but also grow personally, making your time in PG or hostel a foundational part of your educational journey. Making the best use of these study tips and leveraging environments at Myroomie gives you a chance to set yourself up for success in your academic and personal life.